Sunday 20 September 2015

The words spoken and the actions taken can only be forgiven…not forgotten!

“It was my urge..a shocking strong one!  to own the thing ,which is most precious in this world…according to me, And then celebrate the beautiful moments of my life ,being lost myself in the incredible happiness!
The altitude of my urge took control over my attitude that day .. made me to loose the sense of humour. I dragged a dark screen over my face  and went  completely blind .. 
I did not hesitate to push away those..who cared enough to understand and respond to my unspoken dreams. I could easily forget that I had never fully paid the debt I owned by the people who had stuck by me  through the very worst of times. I did not even realize that it was vital for me not to stamp on the feeling of my people, who had accepted me and welcomed me into their midst.
But it did not take a very long time for me to have glimpses over the reality. Situations made me to switch back and forth between the past and present, between the faith and stimulations.
But then I was all alone in my way… my ridiculous decisions of the past had masked the gleam of happiness of my life!  What I was left with was a deep wish to be forgiven for all my mistakes!”
The words  of the soul ..which is looking for the for the forgiveness alerts us not to step into such mistakes. Because the words spoken and the  actions  taken  can only be forgiven…not forgotten!


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