Sunday 9 August 2015

Life is a series of chain reactions. Each event affects the next one in line

"Pathetic! I snapped again, before I stormed away!!”
We  necessarily come across such situations in our life, where we  stand dumbfounded. We  experience the panic  with the broken heart. We  become unable to  resist the speed in which our mind recalls the people who plotted against us, who took credits for our ideas and who were always into the sabotage. Now we intend to make nuisance of our self!
But can it be a solution there? Isn’t there the mistake from our side also?
Life is a series of chain reactions. Each event affects the next one in line. You  may only remember the end result, but it’s all those little choices that you make each day that either get you closer to your goal or further away.

So you need to find the unseen motivation behind each of your failure. Never stop until you reach your accomplishment. But remember…you can’t  stand as a solitary soul in the stir of the society. So smile at those who pulled you back and also give them a friendly hug.  Mostly then they will witness the miracle on your triumph.  And finally the scrap of achievements  will vanish the pain experienced so far. ...


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